Aragh Sagi

Relationship: Im/migrant
An old photo of my grandparents
An old photo of my grandparents
Story pending

From owning and running a successful distillery in 1960-70s progressive era Iran to escaping imminent death by Islamic militants, my grandfather was met with adversities that would seem insurmountable to most.  He led his family of five to the United States where he started a life and business to support it. Unfortunately, he was shot during a robbery one night, reluctant to give away his family’s livelihood. Fortunately, he survived the endeavor.  His children then led successful lives starting businesses of their own. My grandfather has left behind a legacy that I wish to sustain, making sure the sweat of his brow and the blood he shed never goes waist.  Rest in Peace Baba Aghakhan Mooshiabad

Place(s): Iran, The United Kingdom, The United States
Year: 1979

– Nicholas Meza

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant