Antique Vanity

Antique wooden vanity
Antique wooden vanity
Story pending

For as long as I can remember there sits an old antique vanity under the window in my parents bed room, once belonging to my moms grandmother and her grandmother before her. My mom has told me many times that growing up she would watch her  grandmother sit in the delicate wooden chair and brush her long hair with the very same hair brush shown in the picture above. And although I have never seen my mom sit at that vanity or even so much as glance in its mirror, it has always held a sort of ah for me, it being the oldest and most fragile piece of furniture in our house.When I was younger I would slip into my parents room when my mom was not around, and  sitting in the flimsy chair. Looking in the mirror I would try to untangled my hair with my fingers before brushing and then combing my hair out with the broken toothed ivory comb and hair brush. My mom told me a few years ago that when she passes I can have the vanity if I would like, and despite the fact that I don’t think I would ever actually use the brushes to fix my hair again or dare sit in the chair for fear of breaking it; it comes as a comfort to me to know that a little piece of my moms family is being passed down and untrusted to me to take care of and maybe one day even give to my children. 

Place(s): Pennsylvania and Massachusetts
Year: 1910

– LD

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant