Relationship: Im/migrant
Angel Necklace
Angel Necklace

She was a young girl who grew up in a broken home. Her mother was in an abusive relationship with her stepfather, and she had witnessed many arguments and fights between the two. Despite the chaos in her home life, she had always felt a sense of protection and comfort when wearing the Angel necklace that had been given to her when she was born. She wore it all the time, even to bed, and felt that it had the power to keep her safe. As that little girl grew older, the abuse between her mother and stepfather intensified. She felt powerless to help her mother, but she continued to wear the Angel necklace as a source of comfort and strength. One day, while walking home from school, her stepfather confronted her, telling her to stay out of their business. Terrified and alone, she turned to her Angel necklace for courage and strength. She knew she had to find a way to help her mother. The opportunity came when her stepfather went on a business trip, and she and her mother were able to escape and seek refuge with family members. However, the fear remained as they knew her stepfather would eventually come looking for them. Holding onto her Angel necklace, she whispered a prayer for protection. At that moment, she felt a sense of peace and knew that she was not alone. A few days later, her family helped them confront her stepfather and get help from the police. Finally, they were safe.

Place(s): New York
Year: 2017

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant