An Italian Book: Mariuccia

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Front cover of the book
Front cover of the book

  • This book, titled Marriuccia, by Gabriella Emmanuele, is a first hand account of an Italian woman, her husband and nine children, who immigrated to New York City in the mid 1900's.  This woman, named Marriuccia, which is also known as Maria, was my grandmother, or my mother's mother.  She was from Avellino, Italy, along with my grandfather, Nicola, and eight uncles and aunts.  Although only few of my uncles and aunts decided to stay in New York and then migrate within other parts of the U.S., such as North Carolina, this book is a first hand account of what each individual did, who they married, their successes, and so on, as a result of my grandmother's dream to immigrate to the U.S. 
  • My family was well off in Italy and when they immigrated to New York purchased several pieces of real estate property in Queens, including within towns of Flushing and Astoria.  My uncles and aunts later inherited my grandparents wealth, but had to work hard to maintain it, and later become educated in a language other than Italian, or what we now call American-English.
  • Now, as an NYC Public School teacher who teaches English as a New Language to new immigrants and/or newcomer students, I am glad that my cousin, Gabriella, or the author of the book, decided to document such a wonderful migration story of my family.  Although it is written in the Italian language, it is written with such enthusiasm, knowledge and information of what my grandparents, uncles, aunts, and parents got along and came to immigrate here in New York.  I hope you can appreciate it as I do!  Thank you! All the best, Ornella xoxo

Place(s): Italy, New York
Year: 1950

– Ornella Rosselli-Dabool

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant