
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Tribal Uzbek Amulet (photo from google)
Tribal Uzbek Amulet (photo from google)
Story pending

This artifact holds great importance and meaning to me and my family. This necklace has been passed down to the women in our family on their wedding days. It has been used by my ancestors and has been passed down to my generation. It is a metal, thick and heavy necklace. It is also used as a purse. It was more of a box to store precious items in. This necklace has been worn with only the traditional wedding ensemble, one of the most important ensembles a bride can wear in her wedding. It has intricate designs that have much to do with Islam. It consists of many gems, substances and silvers. It is tribal. It holds such great importance to me because I will also wear this necklace in the future.

Place(s): Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Year: 2003

– JS

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant