American Flag

This is my American Flag above my bed
This is my American Flag above my bed
Story pending

As far back as I know, all of my relatives have been born in America. So I am pretty much as American as one can be. Therefore, I thought I should represent this somehow. Hanging from above my bed is a 5ft by 3ft American Flag. I got it in mid to late 2020 when everything was just bad. I have this flag above my bed because I love my country. I plan on going into the military to serve my country and maybe even die for it which I'm completely fine with. My dad and sister feel very much against this. They do not like America which is something I could never understand. They tell me I should destroy it and get rid of it, which I would never do. I will defend my country and my flag with my life now and always. I get that half the people that live in America hate this country but I'm not one of those people. I am a proud American, and I will never be anything else.

Place(s): The United States of America
Year: 1800

– Luke Braverman

Relationship:  unknown unknown