Almond Cake

Almond Cake Pan
Almond Cake Pan

My artifact is an almond cake pan that my great grandmother used to make delicious almond cake. The dish is made out of  an unidentified metal. It looks like a loaf of bread upside down, and it’s from Sweden. My great grandmother and my grandmother are all a good percentile of total places where they are from. 

I chose this object because it’s very important because it’s connected to my great grandmothers and great great grandmother's past, and partly because it’s delicious It’s a family tradition that every year during the Christmas seasons we play bingo at my great grandmother’s house in the basement and there’s always almond cake. 
A question for my great grandmother is why is almond cake such an important food in Sweden? It is an amazing food and maybe someday you will try it too.

Place(s): Sweden

– MB

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more