A Piece of the Berlin Wall

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
A fragment of the Berlin wall
A fragment of the Berlin wall
Story pending

Following the atrocious mid century war, or better known as World War II, the German city of Berlin had been split into two. The once unified city was now separated into East and West Berlin. The United States, Great Britain, and France occupied the west, with the Soviet Union in the east. The sole separator of the city was a 96 mile long, 15 foot tall, concrete menace wrapped in barbed wire like a snake around a tree. This wall represented the authoritative control of communism. Control that separated people from families, people from jobs, and people from their homes. After more than 3 decades, the wall fell, and Berlin was restored to one united city. My father was a history buff, and it was his spark that turned the cogs in his mind as he would analyze historic events. So when he went backpacking in Europe, a stop at Berlin was necessary. There in front of him stood that once formidable wall, now reduced to a puny structure, incapable of doing its job. He chiseled a piece of the wall as if he were carving a sculpture. A token of history now in his possession. That relic has been handed down to me. It serves as a reminder of human capability. Capability that broke barriers, tore down walls, and resisted suppression.

Place(s): Berlin Germany


Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant