2 Teddy Bears

Were given to me after my dad came home.
Were given to me after my dad came home.

          In 2014 when my dad was deployed in Afghanistan he bought my sister and I both 2 teddy bears each. They were both the same teddy bears, but I got my own and so did she. I was four at the time and my sister was about thirteen or fourteen. Most of the time it was just my mom and I because my half sister lived with her mom most of the time. The teddy bears bring back a lot of memories from when I was younger. I don’t remember very well when I got the teddy bears, but I assume it was after my dad came home from deployment. “Mommy I miss daddy!” I would say every morning. The teddy bears he gave me are dark brown and tan, my sister got the same ones. They each had their own army uniform that you couldn’t take off. They also have army hats and feel super soft. The eyes they have feel like marbles and look super shiny. They make me happy when I see them and make me feel grateful for the things I have, like my family and my friends.

Place(s): Afghanistan

– AB

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more