Warmth Wherever You Go


Within my family, I have a mother whose mother and grandmother moved here from Mexico as well as my dad and his family. Growing up in separate households, my family has moved from one house to the next. It is hard to think of an item that has been in our family because of all the moving; however, one thing that has always been around was the Abuelita hot chocolate. Any time it was cold or if I just wanted hot chocolate, I would ask my dad to make it for me. At my mom's house, we had the Nestle hot chocolate. From now on because I know how to make it, I will be making the abuelita hot chocolate wherever I am. I never have to worry of losing this through storage, moving, and being in a different home because it will always be there.  

– Brittny Marmolejo

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant