
It is a nativity scene and a baby Jesus.
It is a nativity scene and a baby Jesus.

My grandparents migrated from Mexico around the mid 1960’s.  When they came to the U.S they had three daughters who are my mom and my two aunts.  The tradition they have passed down to me is called Posadas, which originated in Mexico.  It starts on December 16th and ends on the 24th.  It is a way of celebrating the journey of Mary and Joseph, and the birth of Jesus.  In Mexico they celebrate it as a community.  The parents will dress up as peasants while the children are dressed as angels.  It is celebrated with food, music, and a mass.  For my family and I we celebrate it a little differently.  Instead we celebrate as a family instead of a community.  We will build a nativity scene and dress up a baby Jesus.  During this activity we pray and sing traditional songs.  I love this celebration it is a great way to connect me to the beliefs and traditions of my family.  It also brings a piece of Mexico to us here in the U.S.  Its is always a fun holiday that I look forward to every year, and I can’t wait for my family to celebrate it soon. 

Place(s): Mexico

– Isabella S

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant