Photo of My Mother

My mother, Nancy, in the kitchen.
My mother, Nancy, in the kitchen.

“One of the things of I think fondly about was that I grew up, let’s see, 1,2,3, 3 1/2 blocks away from my maternal grandmother and my maternal grandfather… I used to go to her house in elementary school, we used to be able to leave for lunch, and your Grandma was working, and I used to walk to my grandma’s house, and she would always make me Campbell’s chicken noodle soup, which I loved. And a tuna-fish sandwich and I only liked her tunafish, she made it different than most people. She always had the radio on, she’d listen to Joan Hamburg… DWOR-AM radio. And there was a radio show on, Joan Hamburg, which she loved. Joan Hamburg was somebody who just knew everything about New York. So she would have restaurants that you should go to, or if you need to get your bathroom redone, this is where you should get the tiles. But when I got married, I came across a book written by Joan Hamburg on tips for wedding planning, and we ended up getting our florist because of Joan Hamburg. But spending time with grandma was really special to me. She always had the newspaper, The New York Times, and I think I got familiar with reading the newspaper, it was just something I absorbed from her.” 

Place(s): Staten Island, New York

– June

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant