Pamphlet Cookbooks

Recipe for Banana Tea Bread
Recipe for Banana Tea Bread

These cookbook pamphlets were a secret part of my childhood. I would find them in the draws of the buffet cabinet where the “good “ china lived along with S & H stamp books, I would rummage, a curious person, and find all kinds of cooking or entertainment items that I never remember being used growing up.    These cook books were sent by mail, came as a free offer with a product, or as a give away from the supermarket.    They felt “vintage” to me even back then and now they really are vintage.  I love having them with me.  I was fascinated with the crazy recipes in 300 Egg Recipes or Bananas …how to serve them.     My go to recipe for banana bread is Recipe 11 Banana Tea Bread complete with a menu for the Bridge Luncheon. The stains and worn page tells you that this recipe has been made many, many times with love.

– Jill Saull

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant