Miniature Wooden Shoes

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Miniature Wooden Shoes from Denmark
Miniature Wooden Shoes from Denmark

My father, Laurits Jensen, immigrated in 1928 from Aalborg, Denmark  to Minneapolis.  In 1930 he married my  mother, Katie Clausen, who grew up in Askov, Minnesota.  Both of her parents were Danish immigrants. In 1932 my brother, Eivind, was born during a time when, because of the depression, it was impossible for my father to find work.  A decision was made that life would be better in Denmark ,so off  they sailed  to Copenhagen.  Work was found , running a milk store, so all was well.  Everyone loved little Eivind and he really liked using these  Danish miniature wooden shoes for his teething ring!   The little teeth marks are very visible! The shoes were a gift from the Danish family.

A bit more than two years later, my mother became pregnant with me. She told my father that they needed to go to America so that I would be born there. I am very grateful that  they did return and, of course, the little shoes came along. Each time I look at the shoes I think of my brother and the unsettled times had by my parents in the early years of their very long marriage. The shoes are a treasure to me!!!

Year: 1928

– Rita Peterson

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant