
Relationship: Im/migrant

When I was younger, I lived in Dominican Republic with my father and my mother. When I was around two, I came to the US with my family from my mom's side. My dad unfortunately couldn't join us. I was able to visit my dad at the age of nine. I traveled to Dominican Republic, stayed a couple of weeks. One day I received the news that my father's house caught on fire, thankfully he was not in the house. Though, as expected, many things burned. Many memories, pictures, and many other things burned. When the fire was put out, my dad found a picture of me. One of the very few things that survived the fire. This is something very special to both, me and him because even though he wasn't able to be with me all the time, I knew I would always be with him, and I knew he'd always be with me.

Place(s): Dominican Republic
Year: 2003

– Marien DeLaRosa

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant