Llamo Pinata

Llama Pinata
Llama Pinata

Legos are known to be a nostalgic and heartwarming memory from childhood. The seemingly infinite number of pieces have their own individual purpose that result in them all fitting together in an intricate way to build a new object. Legos are introduced to children as early as one and a half years old and have no cut-off age. My brother and I have compiled countless sets of Legos from our childhood to just recently. I purchased this llama piñata Lego set without true intention or purpose behind it. It was simply going to be a decor piece on my dresser. There it sat for months; its deeper, true meaning still hidden to me. 
My mother had never talked about her grandparents until one day, a picture of them came up on her phone as a memory. I remember asking question after question, in hopes to figure out an unknown part of myself. I was told that my great-grandparents were farmers that solely spoke Spanish and immigrated from Mexico to California. They quickly realized the difficulty of learning English and therefore, my grandmother was disccouraged from learning Spanish. As a result, our roots slowly became lost as less culture was passed on with each new generation. It is as if the answer to “who am I?” had been sitting infront of my face. The pieces of the llama are stories, traditions, customs, etc., that fit together to represent my ancestry. My family’s pieces of history are spread far out but I am hoping that I can put them together to figure out who I truly am. 

– Carina Witt

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more