Great Great Grandma's Tallit

This is the photo of the tallit
This is the photo of the tallit

 My item is my great great grandma’s tallit. My great great grandma named Blanche came to America with her mom named Rose from Poland around right before World War 1 started. Like most families, they weren’t able to bring much, however, they were financially stable enough to purchase second class tickets to the Ellis Island. Some items that they brought over were money and the tallit used for Blanche’s brother's bar mitzvah. This tallit was made of cloth and was then given to an artist to draw Jewish symbols on it. After a few years in New York, Blanche met a man named Jacob, and later they would marry and have children. These children used the same tallit that Blanche’s brother used for their bar/bat mitzvahs. Ever since then, the tallit has been the symbol of where my family came from and each generation including my dad’s, cousins and grandparents have used the tallit for their respective bar mitzvahs. I was honored to have my grandpa give me permission to use the tallit in April of 2021 for my bar-mitzvah and I really enjoyed being able to continue a family legacy. As a child I don’t have nearly as much responsibility as my parents do but one thing I knew I had to do was wear this tallit during my bar mitzvah and to wear it with pride.

Place(s): Poland
Year: 1910

– SB

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more