Gold Cross Necklace

In Attire
Gleaming Gold Cross Necklace
Gleaming Gold Cross Necklace

The cherished legacy of my grandfather’s gleaming, gold cross necklace, handed down through centuries in our family lineage, finally made its way to me. The culture of being hardworking was ingrained in our family because my great-grandfather came from the Luzon province in the Philippines. Through a tough decision, they ended up in Oahu, Hawaii which marked the outset of a formidable expedition toward a life marked by triumphs and success. Despite the few possessions they could bring, this necklace was one of them and remained a steadfast symbol. I admired how my grandfather always wore this necklace.  His tales of its acquisition and the enduring influence of church and Catholicism resonated deeply within our family. Although the concept of religion initially unnerved me, my perspective shifted when, shortly before his passing, my grandfather handed me this valuable gift, emphasizing that it was merely impossible to replicate it. I took it as a favor and smiled, unaware of its profound significance. Even though I wasn’t entirely religious, wearing the necklace ignited a fire in my soul. I took after my grandfather and started attending church, striving to honor his memory. However, participating in prayers and worship gave me a newfound appreciation of this belief I’ve refused to acknowledge. Wearing the cross fills me with pride and a sense of identity for those who came before me, bringing me closer to my grandfather whenever I put it on. 

Place(s): Phillipines

– Chansen Sunico

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant