Family Photo in Iowa

Family picture at water park in Iowa.
Family picture at water park in Iowa.

From the ages five to fourteen, I spent my summers in a small town in Iowa. We stayed at my mom's childhood house with her parents. My brothers and I were known as the "kids from California." During the day, we would ride our bikes, swim at the pool, go fishing, catch fireflies and play hide and seek in town at night. I was able to experience so much  freedom compared to my life in California. Summer in Iowa was a time where I was able feel like a child and grow closer with my family.
Reflecting on the time I was able to spend with my family during these trips are very meaningful for me today. I was able to learn about my mom and how she grew up. I cannot imagine how much of a culture shock it must have been for her when she moved to California. 
- Olivia G

Place(s): Iowa

– Olivia

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant