Diamond Ring

In Attire
Moms Dimond ring
Moms Dimond ring

This is my great-great grandmother's diamond ring. This ring was bought by David Borger in 1905 and was used to propose to my great-great grandmother, Bettey Borger. The diamond on top is a special cut called a miners cut. This type of diamond is no longer made and cannot be purchased through vendors. The blue stones on the side are sapphires, and the metal the ring is made of is platinum. This ring was then passed down to my great grandmother, Nanny Margo. Nanny hated the ring; she thought it looked hideous and wanted to sell it. She wanted to sell it and buy a new original ring for her marriage. Her mother wouldn’t let her and told her how it represented her husband, who had passed away. The ring was passed down many generations and is now over 100 years old. Right now, my mom owns the ring and wears it on special occasions. One day, the ring is going to be passed onto my oldest sister, Madison Klein. This ring represents my great-great grandfather and grandmother, and their memory will live on forever.

Place(s): New York
Year: 1905

– ZK

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more