
A fragile cookbook from the 50s/60's
A fragile cookbook from the 50s/60's

 This artifact is  great-grandma's cookbook from The East Midwood Jewish Center. This is important to me because I have vivid memories of me and my brother always visiting my great-grandma in her apartment and playing games like hungry hippo and mini golf and cards. When we were older,  my grandpa told me of how great of a baker she was and how good her apple pie, and especially her rugulach were. Whenever we went to the dentist, after we would go to this kosher deli that had the best matzo ball soup and corned beef whenever anyone is sick or has a special thing we get matzo ball soup and corned beef and it reminds me of her. I think the cookbook connects to this time in history because it was kind of the time where there was very proper housewives who had a perfect life, so this cookbook kind of represents that time in history and brought people together.

Place(s): Brooklyn, NY

– Zoe Yochum

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more