City to town, my journey.

1992, my brother Ross and sister Marissa
1992, my brother Ross and sister Marissa

I was born in November of 1985, to Cherie and Curtis Ferreira in a hospital in Southeastern Massachusetts. I was the first child on both sides for the next generation. During my childhood years I lived in about 10 different apartments. I attended 5 different schools, and never made any solid friendships because we were always moving. Except my brother, Ross, he was born in January of 1989, and became my very best friend. I can remember some of my friends, the smells of some of the apartments we lived in, and the way they looked. But one thing I always yearned for was a home, with a yard, and friends to play with. My Meme and Pepe were two of my most solid people growing up, they couldn't stand to see us keep moving all the time. My parents were both young when they had me, my mom worked different jobs and my dad was disabled due to mental illness and carpal tunnel, so a house really was not something they could afford. So in 1992 my grandparents found the cutest little house in the town of Acushnet, Ma, and they bought it! By the end of that month, just 3 weeks after delivering my sister, we moved. I had my very own bedroom, for now, which later I shared with my sister. I had a huge yard, filled with places to hide, trees to climb, we even got a pool and swing set. I made lots of friends. I was so fortunate to have been able to share this house with my first two children as well. They loved it just as much as I did, and watching my two children, Aria and Christopher enjoy it brought back so many memories of my brother and I too. 

Place(s): Acushnet

Relationship:  unknown unknown