
The china
The china

My great grandparents named Louis and Rose owned this china. Rose immigrated to the United States from Russia at a young age and Louis grew up in Burlington. His father immigrated from Lithuania and established the first Orthodox synagogue in Burlington. Louis went to the University of Vermont and in 1918 he went to the army. Two years later, he went to Newark where he met my great-grandmother. He was a mechanical engineer. My great-grandparents got the china as a wedding gift. They used it often. This china is important to my family because it has been passed down for one hundred years. There is a lot of history in the china. We only use it during Passover. It will continue to be passed down in the family for generations.

Place(s): Russia, Lithuania
Year: 1884

– NB

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more