Caga Tio

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
The Caga Tio
The Caga Tio

Hello! My dad is from Barcelona, Catalonia where they celebrate a tradition called Caga Tió (pooping log) during Christmas. In my family, we call it Catalan Christmas. The “Tió ” is a log and we use the same one every year. Let me tell you a little bit about our tradition.
In early December we prepare the Tió . We stack a couple of books on top of each other and place the log on top. Then, we put a hat, a scarf and a couple of blankets on top of it to keep it warm. Every night we feed the Tio oranges so it can poop out presents. 
When the day comes, my cousins come over for a sleepover and my grandparents come too. We usually do something special like going ice skating. When we come back and everyone’s ready, we go to my room so my parents can put the presents under the blanket of the Tió. We wait there until my parents say it's time to come out. We take kitchen spoons and hit the log so that it will poop out presents. While we hit the log we sing a song in Catalan. It goes like this: 
Caga tió
avellanes i torrons
no caguis arengades
que són massa salades
caga torrons que són més bons
Caga tió
avellanes i torrons
si no vols cagar et donaré un cop de bastó, ben fort, ben fort…  

When the song is done we stop hitting and take the blanket off the log. The presents are there! We do a couple of rounds of this and on the last round of the Caga Tió , the tradition is to get chocolate. I always get rice milk crunch chocolate bars because it's my favorite. 

Place(s): Barcelona, Brooklyn

– IC

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant