

 Isn't it crazy how much food can impact our lives? For me this food is known as Buckeyes. This delicious sweet treat is a combination of peanut butter and chocolate. I mean can you name a better combo? This treat has always been one of my favorites, as well as my families. My mother is from Ohio and is the one who introduced my brother and I to these treats. They are known as Buckeyes because they are a big treat in Ohio, which is known as the Buckeye state. As a kid my mother would bake these Buckeyes with her mother as a bonding activity for when they were busy with their lives. My mother was the youngest of four, meaning her mother was constantly running around with all her kids. My grandmother being so busy is what made my mom’s time with her so important. My mom and her mom would spend so much time in their kitchen baking and talking away. Growing up and hearing about the fun times they had with one another has always meant so much to me because that mother daughter bond is so important when growing up. Later, my mom continued the tradition of baking buckeyes with my brother and I. It was something we loved and appreciated our mother doing with us, as we know it was such an important part of her childhood. Even now when I come home from school I always look forward to those times of baking in the kitchen with my mother and my brother. Having something to do for us to bond together is so important, as it just gives us all a chance to catch up, despite our busy schedules. 

– Emma Moore

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant