Black panther

In Fun
Relationship: Im/migrant
Played as black panther
Played as black panther

  Hello my name is J Flo aka , Justin Flores. This picture has a really deeper meaning . It took just right before black panther died .   I was working as a cashier at Party city . I’ve been working at party city about a year now . I was assigned as a sales associate . so I was working as cashier and I runged up this black lady , her name was Shavonne Keys , she came in with  cousin , son , and her newphews, it was very big happy family .

  I observed and looked she had lots of black panther accessories such as plates , cups , banner , glasses. The woman asked “hey would you like to dress up as black panther and i said yes I would love to . I want to do this out of care and generosity because I believe if you do good , good things come back to you just like what black panther did . He symbolizes an activist and a characteristic that shows empathy and freedom for the black community . Especially on what’s happening right now , this virus is consuming us with unessary negative energy . 
 After I finish ringing her up , I got her contact information , so she texted me on Saturday , I go to the party and it was amazing , I was leading little kids towards success as black panther would do to show empathy and willing to let people know to get on right path towards the success . Overall the party was amazing and black panther has set a tole when he died , it made people traumatize because we are so used to hearing or watching death in television. Black panther will be missed .

Place(s): Aurora Illinois
Year: 2020

– Justin Flores

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant