Baptismal Gown

When my grandmother got married she wore her great great grandmother's dress from Ireland. This dress was brought from Ireland to America by my great great grandmother. My grandmother decided that after the wedding she would make something out of the dress. After a year of marriage my grandmother started on the dress. She made her wedding dress into a baptismal gown for her kids and grandkids to wear. She spent hours working to make it perfect. My grandfather told me every morning she would wake up around 5 to work on the dress. Not only did she make a gown out of it, but she made a hat to go with it. She told me that the tradition of wearing the dress for your wedding was stupid. She said that weddings are for you to chose not your family. This is why she spent countless hours for her family to start a new tradition. I think it's amazing how my grandma turned her memories into ours. Every grandchild wore the gown while getting baptized and since I was the last I have the gown today. This brings me so close to my grandma and grandpa because although I never experienced their wedding I still have piece to remind me of it. I hope I can give this baptismal gown to my children and grand children just like my grandmother did. 

Place(s): Ireland

– Ellie English

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more