Aunt Bonnie's Sewing Machine

Aunt Bonnie's sewing machine
Aunt Bonnie's sewing machine

My mom's sister, my Aunt Bonnie, was an amazing sewer. She made everything from clothing to curtains to quilts, as did my grandmother. It was something the two of them bonded over. My aunt made my dresses when I was a small child, a few of which I still have, a few of which were ruined from wearing them to death. Sadly, my Aunt Bonnie passed away when I was seven, leaving behind many treasures, including my eight year old cousin, who came to live with us (but that's another story). Her home sewing machine lived in our garage for a few years before I started messing around with it. I have always been mechanical, and I liked to fix things like radios and clocks and when I was a kid. This machine needed some love, so I spent some hours oiling, tuning, and cleaning it until it worked really well! I got a quick lesson from another aunt, and ever since I have had this machine, ready to work whenever I need it. I have another, more modern machine as well, but I often use both keeping different threads or feet on them. I love to make clothing for my children now, as my aunt did for me, and I always think of her and my grandmother when I sew.

Place(s): California, Missouri

– Amanda

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more