American Dream

Relationship: Im/migrant

My dad was born in El Salvador, but then migrated to the United States due to the civil war that was going on.  When he arrived, he got a job at a furniture company as a sander. He was able to learn and exceed fast. My father was eventually introduced to painting the furniture. When my dad was able to save enough money he went ahead and began his new journey as a business owner. He started out with a couple of workers working on small projects. Slowly lots of designers were seeing his talent and his company grew. One of his most pride work, was painting Shakira's bed. My dad has been the rock of our family since day 1. He risked his life coming to a different country. Not only did he not know anything about the United States but he was also lost in the language because everyone spoke English. Despite it all, the obstacles didn't stop him from creating his business, thanks to him and all of his hard work we have a roof over our head and food on our table. Thanks to his effort and blessing from God we don't know what it feels like to fall asleep without the necessary items. 

– Juan Marroquin

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant